Strategic DDD Tools
If you are a Domain Driven Design enthusiast, you may already know how difficult is agreeing on which are the boundaries of your bounded contexts or which are your support and core domains.
Read moreI’m Jorge Padilla, a Software Engineer with a passion for programming. Currently working as a Backend Engineer in London.
About me 👇Passionate about programming, software architecture, software design, clean code and best practices.
Java, Kotlin, microservices, RESTful APIs, Docker, AWS, SOLID principles, DDD, agile methodologies and CI / CD.
Computer Science Engineering Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Here you have a list of skills I have! - (yellow means I’m still a beginner)
Development of Spring Boot microservices with Spring Cloud (Hystrix), RESTful APIs using Feign Clients and Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) with AWS (ECS Fargate, DynamoDB, S3, RDS, SQS)
Kotlin / Java developer in a microservices architecture with Spring Boot. Led the migration of a project to Kotlin and mentor of a Kotlin Developer. Restful APIs, AWS (EC2, S3, SNS), Docker, Rancher and Terraform, Hibernate, MySQL, Liquibase
Developed Java 8 applications in a microservices environment with Spring Boot Restful APIs, while doing TDD and DDD. Other technologies, like MySQL, Hibernate, Clean Architecture, Gradle, ActiveMQ, Mockito, AssertJ, GIT, Redis, Solr, Swagger. Also a little of Kotlin, PHP, Python and Groovy. Worked forming Squads in teams of 6-7 people using Agile methodologies.
Developed Java 8 applications with Spring Boot, using layered architecture and a MVVM framework (Zk framework) & other technologies like JPA, H2 DB, OracleDB, Maven, SOAP. Worked using SCRUM. Managed a small team of 3 people for an internal project.
If you are a Domain Driven Design enthusiast, you may already know how difficult is agreeing on which are the boundaries of your bounded contexts or which are your support and core domains.
Read moreUsing ORMs like JPA makes it easy to map your entity fields to the database. You can easily map a String, an Enum or a List just using annotations to specify how you want your data to be stored.
Read moreRecently I’ve been working on a Spring Session project. I thought that It would be useful for other developers to share some links of my research about this topic.
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